This is a classic because the "Scarlet Letter" also made the Eagle and ellicited a good bit of comment, mostly favorable.

Let's be real. Big Ben and his victims have us all re-examining these parts of our lives. Does NO ever mean maybe?

Local (very) News
The Scarlet Letter

I'm embarrassed. No, that's not exactly right. I'm red-in-the-face, staring-at-my-bellybutton, toes-scuffing-the-dirt embarrassed.

I'm embarrassed that at the age of 63 I had nearly forgotten that high school girls even had cleavage, embarrassed that I had to go to the dictionary to find the precise geographic coordinates of a perineal area, sports brief covered or otherwise.

Couldn't Constance Pearson have just drawn a big red "X" over it for the illiterate among us?

I'm embarrassed that Contance Pearson's letter had me rummaging through the recycle bin for the April 22 Showcase. I usually read it only for the articles.

I'm embarrassed for the parents and the young girls who were dragged unaware through this particular gutter.

But most of all I'm embarrassed that the Butler Eagle has finally stooped to printing pornography.

In his concurring opinion in Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 US. 184 (1964) Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said, (I can't define what is pornography) "But I know it when I see it."

The Showcase cover is a celebration of life. Constance Pearson's letter is pornographic.

I know it when I see it.